Thursday, July 23, 2009

Curtain Call

I think this is it, everyone! The last posts are up. I still have papers to write for class, but the blog is complete.
There is so much more to talk about, and I have so many stories, but if I do decide to keep writing about them, it will be with a different site. Belmont was kind enough to let us use personal blogs for the trip, but I don't want to put them or myself in an uncomfortable position by continuing to use this blog personally.

So if you want to keep in touch, let me know, and I'll get you my contact information, if you don't already have it.

Quick thank yous:

To my family for supporting me, both emotionally and financially through this trip, and through life. I don't know where I would be without you, let alone how to thank you, but I'm so lucky I have you.

To my friends and roommates for putting up with months of me jabbering about this. I promise to return your phone calls soon!

To Belmont Administration, particularly Marcia McDonald, for believing this was worth it.

To the Marketing and Tech support, particularly Paul Chenoweth, Pamela Johnson, and their teams for all of their work in keeping us media-ready.

To Maria Allen, for being the most organized and level headed person I've ever met, even when the details were making all of us dizzy. And for the gift bag. :)

To Matt Burchett, for having that conversation with Ken two years ago and showing up in his office with tour books a week later. (And for the Dr Pepper!)

To Bonnie, for being my home base professor and cheerleader.

To Andi, for trading your cats and your sabbatical for ducks and your Minnie Driver impression. It wouldn't have been the same without you.

To Reuben, for picking us over Lil' Wayne. And for your advice on marriage.

To Cory, Rashina, Chris, Elisabeth, Emma, Pierce, Emily, Shirah, and Jenni for being my makeshift family, for making me think, but especially making me laugh.

To Ken, for being wise enough to run with idea and completely insane for letting me tag along.

And to everyone we met along the way. The Silversmiths, the Bhulas, Aunt Lounell, Thomas, Steve (get well soon!), Sherry, Mike, every server who split up 12 checks for us, every person with we met on the street with the courage to answer our questions, every car Emma and I stopped in D.C. while Reuben tried to back into the parking lot, and every person we met who went out of their way to help us, to talk to us, and to make this trip unforgettable. If I didn't mention you by name above, this is for you. You are loved.


Unknown July 24, 2009 at 7:47 AM  

I have looked forward to your daily blogs and will miss them.
I'm so thankful you took this trip.


Aunt Kathy July 24, 2009 at 8:47 AM  


Emma Shouse July 24, 2009 at 5:36 PM  

way to make me tear up. geez, heather.

oh, and i want to know what your new blog is if you do pursue that.

bonniekathryn July 29, 2009 at 4:51 PM  

I'm so proud of you and this trip. Thank you for all YOU did to help with the organizing. Now, onto graduation!

Just Call Me Grammy August 1, 2009 at 8:38 PM  

Heather...I very much enjoyed reading the blogs of your trip. You are beautiful writer and I would love to read more if you blog somewhere else.
Terry Felix

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