Sunday, June 14, 2009

Few Things

Contrary to my mother's frantic e-mails, I am not dead!

We're having some troubles with internet connections out here on the road. When we do have a signal at all, there are so many people using the signal that it becomes impossible to load sites, so uploading blogs, posting photos, and answering e-mails becomes a three hour ordeal for most of us. Not to mention that we're all operating on a special level of exhaustion. ;)

I'm trying to update as often as I can, but if you don't hear from me in a while, don't instantly assume that I have fallen in the Grand Canyon or been abducted by aliens....Mom.

Despite the troubles with the internet, I almost always have phone reception. Minus a few parks, and when we're driving through desert wasteland, my phone is up and working. And incoming calls are free for me, so please don't hesitate to call! I miss hearing from ya'll. If we're in class or busy, I'll try to get back to you asap, but for the most part, I should be able to answer. The time changes are killing me, so I'm wary to call back home, for fear that you'll get 1am phone calls from me, thinking it's early evening. But seeing as we're doing 16+ hour days, it's a safe bet to assume that I'm awake.

Also, I'm loving the comments I'm getting, either here, or in my e-mail, or on Facebook. It helps me think, knowing what people are seeing in my writing. Keep it up!

Thanks for all of your support so far. I love and miss you all.


Dad June 21, 2009 at 7:30 PM  
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