Thursday, June 18, 2009

A haiku for Vegas

plastic fishnet sex
adopt a hungry, lean look
false playground of men.

Okay, so that doesn't quite cover Las Vegas. But I will say Vegas is the first city to live up to my exact expectations. I wrote to a friend as we pulled into the city, saying I expected Vegas to be "1/3 desert, 1/3 casino opulence, 1/3 white trash outskirts, and all sex." But I did plan to keep an open mind to the possibility that it, like every other city would surprise me.

I think the only thing that surprised me the was cooler weather.

Vegas seems to be the Disneyworld of greedy, misguided adults, with fantasies constructed down to the finest detail to ensure that they can play (and spend money) without worry of retribution or the return of a conscience.

Maybe that's why it was the first place along the trip to really show signs of struggle thanks to the economic downturn. Hedonism is costly, but it can be found at a lower rate than Vegas likes to offer. And when a city's entire economic system is supported by such tourism, it's easy to see where the gaming tables stand empty, the convention bureau's representative seems desperate, and the shops inside the Venetian Hotel seem empty even as thousands of tourists walk along the indoor canals.

Here is a city known for its wealth and glamour, but most of it seemed like Bourbon Street in New Orleans. The only difference is, Bourbon Street seems tucked under wrought iron balconies and narrow streets like a seedy red light district of old. The vibe then is one of shame...almost like it's embarrassed by how much fun it's having being sinful.

Vegas embraces it, throws back the curtain and does a little jig in a full, glittering gown. You have to look closely to see the stain on the front of her dress.


Unknown June 18, 2009 at 6:21 AM  

I think you nailed my feelings of Vegas!

Unknown June 18, 2009 at 7:29 AM  

would not have bet on that

bonniekathryn June 18, 2009 at 11:44 AM  

Fabulous haiku & entry... based on my experiences in LV, you've got it covered. Have a great time in LA/SF.

Aunt Kathy June 18, 2009 at 8:26 PM  

Excellent writing. Ive never had any desire to see Vegas.

Josh Gillespie June 19, 2009 at 8:04 PM  

I spent 2 weeks in Vegas supporting a conference. This about sums it up, but doesn't quite capture the depression and emptiness there. So many people trying to either escape from of find something there.

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